
Ice Tethered Profiler

The Ice Tethered Profiler (ITP) is an autonomous time-series instrument that vertically profiles the water column under the ice. The ITP collects in situ measurements of conductivity, temperature, and depth. Data can be automatically transmitted in near real time via inductive modem when connected to a surface controller.

Profiling depth, time intervals and pressure stops are user-defined, and profiling patterns can span specific seasons or timeframes.


Depth 30 m to 1000 m (mooring dependent)
Minimum Water Temp -2°C water (non freezing)
Profiling Speed 25cm/sec (10cm/sec, 33cm/sec options available)
Power Supplied 12 V lithium battery pack
Battery Endurance 240Ah or 360Ah lithium battery pack
Data Telemetry Seabird Inductive Modem
Supported Sensors
(Other sensors can be integrated
depending on sensor size and
battery drain.)
Seabird 41PLUS CTD Seabird 63 Optical DOX
Wetlabs ECO Biospherical PAR
Aanderaa Optode DOX BBE Fluoroprobe Chlorophyll
ProOceanus Mini-Pro CO2 or CH4 Seapoint Fluorometer, Turbidity

McLane Moored Profiler

The McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) autonomously profiles the water column along a fixed tether while carrying a selection of oceanographic sensors.

Profiling depth, time intervals and pressure stops are user-defined, and profiling patterns can span specific seasons or timeframes. An optional underwater inductive modem provides real-time communication between the MMP and a surface buoy or seabed node.

We offer two MMP models: the standard and extended version. The extended MMP provides 50% more battery capacity and is only 12.7cm longer than the standard MMP.


Depth 30 m to 6000 m (mooring dependent)
Minimum Water Temp -2°C water (non freezing)
Profiling Speed 25cm/sec (10cm/sec, 33cm/sec options available)
Power Supplied 12 V primary lithium battery pack
Battery Endurance Standard MMP: 240Ah battery. Extended MMP: additional 120Ah battery
Supported Sensors
(Other sensors can be integrated
depending on sensor size and
battery drain.)
Seabird 52MP CTD Seabird Inductive Modem
RBR Logger CTD Seapoint Fluorometer, Turbidity
Falmouth Scientific ACM ProOceanus Mini-Pro CO2 or CH4
Nobska MAVS ACM Biospherical PAR
Nortek Aquadopp II ACM Satlantic SUNA Nitrate
Seabird 43F DOX Wet Labs ECO, C-STAR, SeaOwl
Aanderaa Optode DOX BBE Fluoroprobe Chlorophyll